Montag, 17. Februar 2014

Alfresco Share - remove Create Site Link from new header bar (4.2.e)

The header menu bar in Alfresco Share changed in 4.2.d to a completely new design. With the new design, there also comes a new way for customization and since I have not found an instruction to remove the "Create Site" menu entry for non admin users, I decided to document that here.
This instruction will ONLY work from 4.2.e and I only tested in on 4.2.e. There are some good blog entries why it is not working on 4.2.d, so I will not discuss that here anymore.

I will not create an own JAR file for that customization, but do all in the shared directory. Perhaps I will provide a JAR file too, if I have some time which is quite rare.

1. Create a share module
create file shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension/site-data/extension/remove-create-site-extension.xml
   <id>Remove create site menu option for non admin users</id>
2. customize header webscript
create file shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension/site-webscripts/ingen/header/share-header.get.js
//Find the "Sites" menu...
var sitesMenu = widgetUtils.findObject(model.jsonModel, "id", "HEADER_SITES_MENU");

if (sitesMenu != null) {
 if (!user.isAdmin) {
  sitesMenu.config.showCreateSite = false;
3. the 'my sites' dashlet
create file shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension/site-webscripts/ingen/dashlets/my-sites.get.js
if (!user.isAdmin) {
 model.showCreateSite = false;
4. don't forget the dynamic-welcome dashlet
Thanks Douglas for remembering me about the dynamic-welcome dashlet and the create site link in there. To remove that link create file shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension/site-webscripts/ingen/dashlets/dynamic-welcome.get.js
if (args.dashboardType == "user" && !user.isAdmin) {
 model.columns[1].actionMsg = null;
 model.columns[1].actionHref = null;
5. restart alfresco share
6. activate module

Now everything should be fine. But don't forget to restrict the service calls too - especially if you want to be sure that any left link, direct call and alternative frontend (mobile, ...) are save too ;)

4 Kommentare:

  1. Hey... I'm douglascrp from the Alfresco IRC channel

    Nice one, but I think you have forgot about the create site link in dynamic-welcome dashlet.

    Now you could create a new post about how to avoid a site to be deleted by non-admin users.
    I think that it's so important as the create site option. Actually, I think it's even more dangerous.... lol

    Other options I usually remove from non-admin users are leave site, invite users and customize site.


    1. Thanks Douglas, I added the dynamic-welcome dashlet to the instructions.

  2. I was following this blog: ( and managed to remove some items from the menu and was left with the "create site" options I wanted to remove. So I combined the information from that blog and this one and I have a nice, less cluttered share webinterface. Thanks.

  3. Nice! I just read Douglas' comment and wow what a security issue. Any user can delete a site from the site dashlet?
